Saturday, August 16, 2008

sin secuelas

Four years flew away like a whisper. My husband totally recovered from that coma, it's almost hard to believe in miracles, but I know that when I spoke to him, when he was drawn in coma, I had an incredible force and I litteraly fed him with my words, it was almost more simple and direct because we were alone and he was unconscious. I know I took him back, but, unlike Orpheo I didn't look back. My biggest pleasure is to realize all the way he did by himself since he woke up. The only problem by now is I loosed my libido. I'm still in love, I guess it's more than that. Since that experience, somehow we just fusioned, many times telepathy makes the silence so expressive. It's strange, like a new way of being. It's cool. It just give you the sensation of extraordinary luckiness, a kind of blessing directly from life.