Sunday, March 20, 2005

3 dead corpses

Once he was at home, my husband seemed to recover pretty fast. Suddenly, one night he looked really concerned. He didn't want to tell me but at the end I caught him and he confessed he was worried about the 3 dead corpses that were left in the church where they celebrated his own funeral. On his tumb, they would write "Pido perdon a todos por haber sido tan feliz". But he couldn't figure out what was the relation with the 3 dead corpses, people that tried to cross the Gibraltar Channel and drawn. Whatsoever, the relation with the nurse wasn't too good, because she was a bit racist and refused to pray. My husband wanted to slap her in the face but couldn't and that when he realized he was dead. "Mais c'est un rêve, non?" I did asked him, quite shocked by his revelations that made no sense to me. He anwered it wasn't a dream, but a parallel world. They do exist, now I'm sure.


Blogger Dalva M. Ferreira said...

Hi, Fred... I am from Brazil, and I have just entered this kind of communication. We have some interests in common: Cria Cuervos, Dersu Uzalah ... I have read you writings: good! I hope you continue writing. Best wishes...

1:35 AM  

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